Todd Davis (CEO of LifeLock) had his identity stolen. I was amused to read the article because LifeLock have 1 million dollar service gurantee. According to their website:
Our service guarantee is simple, but it is limited. We will pay up to $1,000,000 to cure the failure or defect in our service, per member, per lifetime for all incidents in the aggregate, regardless of circumstance.
Todd Davis, also claim:
His Social Security number is posted on his company website. Sometimes, too much publicity is not good for your product as well :)I'm Todd Davis, CEO of LifeLock, and yes, that’s my real social security number*. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America, victimizing over 10 million people a year and costing billions of dollars. So why publish my social security number? Because I’m absolutely confident LifeLock is protecting my good name and personal information, just like it will yours. And we guarantee our service up to $1 million dollars."
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