Thursday, May 28, 2009

An easier way to fully patch a rebuilt system

Create a do-it-yourself Windows update CD

Many people asked for a way to slipstream XP Service Pack 3 into their installation media or for an easier way to fully patch a rebuilt system.
The most obvious method is to build your own SP3 slipstream media. The Lifehacker site offers a good how-to page that describes the process step by step. An alternative is to create a patch CD. There are several options for doing this, one of which is presented on the PatchMate site.

The Windows Updates
Downloader site and AutoPatcher — a resources provide alternative approaches to the same end. Any of these sites will help you do what Microsoft is failing to do: give us a way to update our Windows installation media so we can legally and easily reinstall our operating systems on the same hardware when the machines become sluggish or need a refresh.

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