Friday, December 19, 2008

Google implant in your brain

How do i get Google chip transplant Inside my brain?

After the evident monopoly of google over the world wide web, What's next? You may find it funny, but this is the dream of Google Founder.

I was surprised when I heard Google is making a micro chip that can be transplanted into human brain. Wouldn't it be like a science fiction if that is achieved?

Whenever you need some information you close your eyes and wander into the infinite virtual world. That would be amazing, We will probably hear that soon.

In the meantime i think it will also take care of the memory problem. I keep forgetting what was i talking about. May be i could bookmark my thoughts, save it, edit it or may be just erase it- if i don't like it.

People might talk about you think fast. What do you have - Xeon 100+? I'll need to upgrade my RAM. Haha, for the time being let's just reboot!


Anonymous said...

Outch! I was once talking to a professor who wants to make himself a "cyberborg" with all the implants that hw could think of. Do you really want to do that? And what about patch management :)...
Well, dreams are good but there are limits...

Shoaib Yousuf said...

Yeah, imagine somebody exploiting vulnerability because i didn't patch my brain....

Anonymous said...

aah.. That will be awesome. If i want to do some work later i will keep the reminder.. :-) N if want to check something i did before, than i have to check out the history. If there was bad time i have faced than i can even delete them from memory. It will be so easy. The best part is i can increase the space...:p

All this things are good for dreaming.. But who knows.. anything can happen..